Graham Young Pharmacy Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE1 3HA Telephone: 01733 554778

Synchronisation of Medication

The aim is to order all the medication you have on repeat at the same time rather than irregular times throughout the month.

It saves time for you, your doctor and your pharmacist. Medication is less likely to be wasted and you are more likely to remember to take it. 

If your doctor is in the process of adjusting your medication or starting you on new medication he/she may prescribe smaller amounts of something and it is best to wait for your medication regime to be stable before you synchronise.

This happens if medication is packaged in different amounts e.g. 28 v 30 days or if you go into hospital. Sometimes you may stop taking one or more of your medications for a short period.

If you are still prescribed it check the expiry date and if in date use it up and stop ordering on repeat temporarily. If it has expired take it back to the pharmacy. Some people will not need all their medication each month for example pain killers, laxatives, warfarin and inhalers..

Please indicate roughly what quantity of each you need for one month. We will give you your estimated requirement to enable you to order those items at the same time as well.

When you next need to request an item on repeat count up all the tablets you have and fill in the form to tell your GP how many you currently have of each of your tablets. Please take the completed form to your doctors and request them to issue a “one off” prescription of the tablets you need to synchronise all your medication to within a day or two. You then need to ensure that you order and collect from the Pharmacy all your items at the same time each month, even when you have 1-2 tablets remaining.

Please use the electronic synchronisation form, copying the medication from the form below and submit it to the Pharmacy. We will add an alert you your records to ensure we help you to pick up all your repeat medications each time.